World Wrestling Entertainment: guor grueslin entertainmen
Raw: ro
SmackDown Live: esmacdaun laiv
NXT: enesti
Talking Smack: talkin esmac
Royal Rumble: rouyal rambol
Elimination Chamber: elimineision chamber
Fastlane: faslein
WrestleMania: gueslemania/ rasolmenia
Payback: peybac
Extreme Rules: estrem ruls
Money In The Bank: Money In The Bank
SummerSlam: samerslam
Night of Champions: naich of champions
BattleGround: BattleGround
Hell In A Cell: Hell In A Cell
Survivor Series: survaivor series
RoadBlock: End Of The Line: roudbloc: end of the lain
TLC: Tables, Ladders and Chairs: teibols, leiders and chers
Raw: ro
SmackDown Live: esmacdaun laiv
NXT: enesti
Talking Smack: talkin esmac
Royal Rumble: rouyal rambol
Elimination Chamber: elimineision chamber
Fastlane: faslein
WrestleMania: gueslemania/ rasolmenia
Payback: peybac
Extreme Rules: estrem ruls
Money In The Bank: Money In The Bank
SummerSlam: samerslam
Night of Champions: naich of champions
BattleGround: BattleGround
Hell In A Cell: Hell In A Cell
Survivor Series: survaivor series
RoadBlock: End Of The Line: roudbloc: end of the lain
TLC: Tables, Ladders and Chairs: teibols, leiders and chers
Se celebró el 29 de Enero de 2017, en el Alamodone, situádo en San Antonio, Texas. |
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